Podcasting secrets to attract your target audience and grow your online business

In today’s episode, I reveal the podcasting secrets you need to attract your ideal clients and grow your online business. 

“I knew when I started that I was building a brand, a podcast, and the Business Fabulous Academy. ”

-Bonnie L. Frank 

 Many online business owners have seen value in podcasting, but overlook key areas when they begin. I knew my podcast would be profitable before I publishes the first episode because I had a plan for each step off the way.  I was building a brand alongside my podcast. I also knew I would start the Business Fabulous Academy to help online business owners learn how to create their own profitable businesses.

Podcasting is a great way for your ideal clients to get to know, like and trust you. In this episode. I share how to attract those clients and grow your business.

Show Notes 

In this episode I reveal the podcasting secrets to attract your ideal client

  • Where do you want your podcast to be heard?...
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Episode 103: Key strategies that create EPIC Clubhouse rooms and grow your online business

Get all the key strategies you need to keep your target audience participating and excited to come back for more pf your Clubhouse rooms!

 "Clubhouse is for meaningful conversations and creating meaningful experiences for participants; keeping your audience top of mind is the key."

~ Bonnie L Frank

In today’s episode I discuss how to host Epic Clubhouse rooms that your target audience can't wait to return to. You can gain a following on this audio-only app, find your ideal clients and position yourself as an expert in your field. Creating great Clubhouse rooms that people are excited to come back for is easy, but I think most people are busy thinking about the information they want to share and spend time talking ‘at’ the audience. Clubhouse is for meaningful conversations and creating meaningful experiences for participants; keeping your audience top of mind is the key.

Show Notes 

In this episode I discuss how to create amazing Clubhouse rooms:

  • What...
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Habits that create online business growth

There are habits that YOU can easily create to grow your online business. Episode 102 details my own business-growing habits.

 “ The morning routine makes an unbelievable difference in my business.

-Bonnie L. Frank

In today’s episode, I discuss habits, share my morning routine and how it has tremendously helped my business. As an  entrepreneur, morning routines really set you up for a successful day. In this episode, I share which habits have made a dramatic difference in my life. They're often free and super easy to incorporate into your life. 

Show Notes 

In this episode I discuss why building healthy habits is key.

  • What are my morning and evening routines? [4:10]
  • Why are morning routines the most important  ? [5:22]
  • What do I put in my coffee everyday? [6:45]
  • Why are vitamins and supplements part of my routine?[10:01]
  • What are the tricks I use to get my daily water intake? [12:58]
  • Why has a gratitude journal been my habit for years?...
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Live Audio and Video Marketing Tips for Online Business Growth

Get easy and effective tips for live audio and video that I learned from producing over 4,000 livestream videos and 500 Clubhouse rooms.

 “Immediately give value to your audience. It doesn't matter if it's live or if it's not...you'd better get their attention within the first three seconds, or they're done." 

-Bonnie L. Frank

Although you may not choose to grow your business like I did (going live three to seven times a day, seven days a week), any amount of live audio and video is a fabulous way to build trust with your audience and position yourself as an authority in your field. Whether it's Clubhouse rooms, Facebook audio rooms, Twitter Spaces, Greenroom or anywhere else, there are so many places to connect with your audience--LIVE!

In this episode, I share how to connect with your audience, how to strategically plan before going live, as well as tips for repurposing all of your audio and video content. 

Show Notes 

In this episode I share my...

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Clubhouse mistakes that are costing you money

Small mistakes can make a huge difference on social media. Here are seven mistakes that are costing you money. 

 “Your bio, regardless of the social media platform that you're using, needs to speak to who you are, what you're about and what's in it for other people, right off the bat. You've got to be clear. Otherwise people are going to look at your profile, and then they're going to leave because they have no idea who you are, what you're about, or if they should connect with you.”

-Bonnie L. Frank 

In today's episode I share some common mistakes I see bright entrepreneurs making on Clubhouse. I see these mistakes all the time and they could be costing real money. If you have been following me for any length of time, you know that I have been hosting rooms in the new audio-only app called Clubhouse. This is a new platform and a great way for digital marketers, online businesses and solopreneurs to find their ideal clients. Paying clients. However, there...

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Business lessons are all around you

If you're open to them, business lessons are all around you, every single day, and they're yours to grab and take hold of as you move through life.

“ I think as you are surrounded by other people, whether they're business people or not, you can learn a lot about people and success by watching them. By watching how they go through life. By watching how they act and interact and react. We learn the most about people when they are in adverse situations.”

-Bonnie L. Frank 

Today's episode is about business mindset and how to see business lessons in everyday life. If you are trying to grow your digital marketing business, online business or coaching business this is the episode for you. I share various lessons I’ve learned growing my coaching business over the last seven years. I share some bad advice from business coaches about when to hire a virtual assistant. I share lessons from watching a child with her grandfather. I also share my observations of an online...

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Four habits that will NOT help you or your business

You've probably been told to do at least one of these--and why it was never going to help you or your business grow.

 In this week's episode:

  • Mantras: Repetitive words or phrases used for manifesting what you want or while you meditate
  • Affirmations: Positive things that you'd like to happen but are not currently happening
  • "The universe" has your back...will provide for you...and other things people believe
  • Self development courses, books, conferences
  • I discuss each of these four things in detail and why none of them will help you personally or professionally.

Are you in the Cafe?? The Social Media Marketing Cafe is OPEN! Gain access to hundreds of tutorials, step-by-step guides and downloadable pdfs, for help with social media, online marketing, livestreaming, podcasting, and much more! 

Have you joined my free Facebook group yet? If you want free, proven strategies to get your audience finding you online and buying from you and really grow your...

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How I save hundreds of dollars every year with a couple of simple habits

You're very likely wasting money every single morning and this can greatly affect your business growth. Discover how I save hundreds of dollars every year!

 In this week's episode:

  • Business Fabulous is changing just a bit...and it's more fabulous for you!
  • The podcast will cover Business hacks, money hacks and fabulous life hacks for you!
  • This week's episode is all about saving money first thing in the morning.
  • Business owners often buy things for their business, but they purchase without a strategy and don't track how much money is leaving their bank account.
  • I reveal how I save hundreds of dollars each year. With coffee.
  • Get ready to take notes--loads of ideas in this one!

Are you in the Cafe?? The Social Media Marketing Cafe is OPEN! Gain access to hundreds of tutorials, step-by-step guides and downloadable pdfs, for help with social media, online marketing, livestreaming, podcasting, and much more! 

Have you joined my free Facebook group yet? If...

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Easily Increasing Online Sales During Tough Times

You may be surprised by what you hear in today's episode--and it's exactly what to do to increase your online sales NOW.

Mentioned in this episode:

  • Use the promo code "Bonnie" when you sign up for Libsyn and receive at least one month of hosting free!

In this week's episode:

  • After analyzing the online landscape as a consumer and a producer since the start of Covid-19 (March 2020), I have noticed several trends in terms of what is working right now in online sales.
  • "Producer" means someone who is selling products, programs, or services.
  • "Consumer" means the person buying.
  • It is 100% appropriate to sell anything at anytime you want to; however, if you do not feel comfortable about sales at a particular time, you will likely not experience the level of sales you'd like.
  • Your "list" typically means people who have already signed up to receive emails from you--they are on your email list.
  • If you click on the blue button at this link and enter your email...
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Imposter Syndrome, FOMO, and growing an online business

Every entrepreneur suffers from imposter syndrome and FOMO more than once. Discover what you can do about it in episode 60 of Business Fabulous.

  • All entrepreneurs suffer from Imposter Syndrome and FOMO--more than once during the lifetime of their businesses. 
  • I explain Imposter Syndrome and FOMO in the episode.
  • Everyone begins somewhere and the most successful people did not get where they are now immediately or without failure.
  • I discuss my own struggles with Imposter Syndrome and FOMO during the episode.
  • I give examples of what you can do to successfully deal with both Imposter Syndrome and FOMO.

Mentioned in the episode:

  • My entire business is built on Kajabi. If you'd like to get a tour of the back end of my website and how I run everything on this amazing all-in-one platform, reach out to me and let me know! Email me: [email protected] or leave me a message on Facebook Messenger if we're Facebook friends!
  • You CAN do it! I'm here to help you with free...
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